Saturday, November 01, 2008

2008-11 Concrete Record Player

So its to be a record-player then: The Op-shop had some mint diamond styli for a few bucks so I bought them.
My Trusty Luxman skates a little and is too wide for the lundia. I felt like an audio project after all the PC based stuff so the Concrete Record Player Plinth is the POTM.
At last a home for my SME arm. Here you see all the parts I've been putting aside: The bearing, light weight patter and motor from a turntable with a crap arm but completely noiseless and stable - can't recall the brand. All sorts of cartridges and styli collected over the years and of course the pice of tone army resistance: a SME tone arm. Cost me $100(ish) in the 80's from a greedy eccentric who only prized it's resale value.