Monday, November 28, 2022

 Still in the garden.

The watering system made me think more about a garden that needs less attention from me so it can thrive if I am away for work. 

I thought of the orchards inside: They are not doing as well as the outside ones so lets put them all out there. Clear some space under the bananas, make a frame to hold the pots I reasoned and I did that. It looks good and a few weeks later they all seem fine. The space inside is filled up with cactus and succulents who can live for weeks without attention so this should work well.

I snagged a pallet from work on the Friday. It had long narrow planks and was heat treated so safe for plants. On Saturday I got out the saw and drill and just started without a plan. That's fun sometimes.

I made two and cleared out a space in the bananas and just kind of jammed them in there and added some props until it was level and stable.

It only took an hour and I don't expect it to last, thinking if it is a success then I will put some real effort in and make it more durable.



frames to hold the orchards in place... 


and then populated.